TMD Treatment in Altlussheim
Uncontrolled stress is the common cause of the involuntarily teeth-clenching and grinding during sleep.
High forces exerted during the teeth-clenching or grinding, causes gradual tooth enamel wear, gum recession and overstressed jaw joint. Patients often report from morning pains and discomfort in the chewing muscles area, headaches, migraines, and neck pain.
Relief can be found by wearing a stabilization splint or a night guard, which prevents the contact between lower and upper teeths. The masticatory muscles and the temporomandibular joint are thus relaxed and the teeth protected.
In the case of myoarthropathies (musculoskeletal disorders, usually painful tensions of the masticatory muscles and / or neck muscles), we work closely with specially trained physiotherapists.
Don’t live with painful migraines and headaches. Contact us at 06205-33169 and learn how a night guard can help you.